
Bed bugs are small, reddish-brown insects that feed on the blood of humans and animals. Unfortunately, they are common household pests that can infest any home or business. One of the most common questions about bed bugs is how long they can survive without feeding. In this article, we will explore the lifespan of bed bugs and how long they can live without food.

The Lifespan of Bed Bugs

Bed bugs have a lifespan of about six to 12 months, depending on their environment and feeding habits. Females can lay up to five eggs per day, which hatch into nymphs in about 10 days. Nymphs go through five molts before reaching adulthood, and each stage requires a blood meal to progress. Adult bed bugs can survive for several months without feeding, but they will eventually die without a blood meal.

How Long Can Bed Bugs Live Without Food?

The answer to this question depends on several factors, such as temperature, humidity, and the age of the bed bug. In general, adult bed bugs can survive for up to six months without feeding, while nymphs can survive for several weeks. However, under ideal conditions, bed bugs can survive for up to a year without feeding.


Bed bugs are cold-blooded insects, which means their body temperature is the same as their environment. They thrive in temperatures between 70 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit, and they can die if exposed to temperatures above 120 degrees or below freezing. At lower temperatures, bed bugs enter a dormant state and can survive for longer periods without feeding.


Bed bugs also require a certain level of humidity to survive. They prefer environments with a relative humidity of 70 to 80 percent, and they can die if exposed to low humidity levels. In dry environments, bed bugs can become dehydrated and die within a few days.


The age of the bed bug also affects how long it can survive without feeding. Young nymphs require a blood meal to molt and progress to the next stage of development. As they mature, they can survive for longer periods without feeding. Adult bed bugs can survive for several months without feeding, but they will eventually die without a blood meal.

How to Detect a Bed Bug Infestation

If you suspect that you have a bed bug infestation, there are several signs to look for. The most common signs include:

  • Red, itchy bites on the skin
  • Bloodstains on sheets and bedding
  • Dark spots or smears on walls or furniture
  • A musty odor in the room

Bed bugs are nocturnal insects, so they are most active at night. To detect an infestation, you can use a flashlight to look for live bugs, shed skins, or small black dots (fecal matter) on your sheets or mattress.

How to Get Rid of Bed Bugs

Getting rid of a bed bug infestation can be difficult, but it is possible with the right treatment. Here are some steps you can take to eliminate bed bugs:

  1. Identify the infested areas: Inspect your home for signs of bed bugs, including your mattress, box spring, and furniture.
  2. Wash and dry bedding and clothing: Bedding and clothing should be washed in hot water (at least 120 degrees) and dried on high heat for 30 minutes.
  3. Use a vacuum: Use a vacuum to clean the infested areas, including your mattress, box spring, and furniture. Dispose of the vacuum bag or contents immediately.
  4. Apply insecticides: Insecticides can be effective in eliminating bed bugs, but they should be used with caution. Follow the instructions on the label and wear protective clothing.
  5. Hire a professional: If you have a severe infestation, it may be necessary to hire a professional exterminator.


In conclusion, bed bugs can survive for up to a year without feeding, but their lifespan depends on several factors, such as temperature, humidity, and age. If you suspect that you have a bed bug infestation, it is important to take action immediately to prevent the infestation from spreading. With the right treatment, you can eliminate bed bugs and regain control of your home.

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