What Eats Bed Bugs

What Eats Bed Bugs

Bed bugs are a nightmare for homeowners and hotel managers alike. These tiny, blood-sucking pests can hide in the smallest cracks and crevices, making them difficult to eliminate. While chemical treatments are often used to eradicate bed bugs, they can be harmful to humans and pets. Fortunately, there are natural predators that eat bed bugs. In this article, we will discuss these predators and how to utilize them to control bed bug infestations.

Natural Predators of Bed Bugs

  1. Spiders: Spiders are natural predators of bed bugs and other insects. They are great at catching bed bugs in their webs and devouring them. The long-legged cellar spider is particularly adept at catching bed bugs.
  2. Ants: Ants are another natural predator of bed bugs. They are attracted to the scent of bed bugs and will hunt them down. Some species of ants, such as pharaoh ants and Argentine ants, are particularly good at killing bed bugs.
  3. Cockroaches: Cockroaches are scavengers that will eat almost anything, including bed bugs. They are especially effective at killing bed bugs in hard-to-reach places, such as wall voids and cracks.
  4. Birds: Certain species of birds, such as swallows and purple martins, feed on insects including bed bugs. They are more effective at controlling bed bugs outdoors, but they can still be helpful in controlling infestations in indoor spaces with open windows or doors.
  5. Bats: Bats are nocturnal creatures that feed on a variety of insects, including bed bugs. They are particularly effective at controlling bed bugs in attics and other areas where bed bugs may hide.
What Eats Bed Bugs
What Eats Bed Bugs

How to Use Natural Predators to Control Bed Bugs

  1. Identify the Predators: The first step in utilizing natural predators to control bed bugs is to identify the predators that are present in your area. This can be done by observing the insects and birds that are present in your environment.
  2. Create Ideal Environments: Once you have identified the natural predators in your area, you can create ideal environments for them to thrive. For example, spiders need a place to spin their webs, while birds require nesting sites. By providing these environments, you can encourage natural predators to stick around and help control bed bugs.
  3. Use Pesticides Sparingly: While chemical pesticides may be necessary in some cases, they can also harm natural predators. If you must use pesticides, use them sparingly and target specific areas where bed bugs are present.
  4. Use Traps: Sticky traps can be used to catch bed bugs and other insects, which can then be fed to natural predators. This is a safe and effective way to supplement the diet of natural predators.
  5. Use Professional Pest Control Services: If you have a severe bed bug infestation, it may be necessary to use professional pest control services. Look for companies that use integrated pest management (IPM) techniques, which utilize natural predators and other non-chemical methods to control pests.


Natural predators can be an effective way to control bed bugs without the use of harmful chemicals. Spiders, ants, cockroaches, birds, and bats are all natural predators of bed bugs. By creating ideal environments for these predators and using traps and professional pest control services, you can effectively control bed bug infestations. If you are struggling with a bed bug infestation, don’t hesitate to contact a professional pest control company for help.

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